New version of Edig@s (version 6.1) available for implementation

The Message Workflow Design Working Group of EASEE-gas releases today a new version of Edig@s, the electronic message format for the gas market. Version 6.1 includes essential corrections as well as a new business process – System Operation – with messages for Storage and LNG System Operators. The new messages enable Storage and LNG System Operators to harmonize data exchange including messages dedicated to inventory level, limits and transfers inside a facility in interaction with their customers. This new version of Edig@s also includes a complete set of examples to facilitate implementation leading hence to a more aligned roll out across the different market players in Europe.

Version 6.1 of Edig@s – the European message format for the gas market – is an important update and the version that will be implemented in Europe. We highly recommend companies to download and implement this version as it is the best way to ensure harmonization in the major European processes of data exchange” stated Oliver Schirok, chairman of the Message Workflow Design Working Group.

The new version is available for download here: link

A comparison document between version 5.1 and 6.1 can be found here

Edig@s version 4 is deprecated and will be removed from the website per July 1st 2022.

For more information about Edig@s ‎please visit this section of our website ( or watch this animated video:


Edig@s V6 furthers the harmonisation of message exchange on the gas market

The newly released version 6 of Edig@s, the electronic message standard for the gas market, further harmonises the different messages exchanged by gas players to achieve a more aligned implementation across Europe. The standard, developed by EASEE-gas, is available for free to all European gas market players. Click here  to read more about this and here  to download version 6 of Edig@s.

Edig@s version 6 is also available in the download area under the message implementation guidelines.