Version 6.1 – Recommended

Documents v6.1Information

  Edigas 6.1 - Documents Overview

File size: 114.0 KiB
Downloads: 910

  Edigas 6.1 - Version 5 and 6.1 Comparison.pdf

File size: 3.3 MiB
Downloads: 842


File size: 110.3 KiB
Downloads: 298

An overview of all Edigas Version 6.1 documents (Excel format).

Version 5.1 and 6.1 comparison

Version 5 and 6 overview of deprecated Items
Edig@s v6.1Download the whole package in one zip file

File size: 14.8 MiB
Downloads: 534

File size: 4.5 MiB
Downloads: 180

All documents, examples, XSD's etc. excluding the CCLIB in one zip file. Edigas v6.1 - Full package - Version 2023-12-22

Please also download the latest version 6.1 Core components and Codelists (CCLIB) from below or from the website Downloads menu to make it complete.

Edigas v6.1 - Update - Version 2023-12-22
Only the updated files for Edigas version 6.1

Latest version 6 Core components and Codelists (CCLIB). Version 2023-10-27

File size: 1.6 MiB
Downloads: 824

Latest version 6.1 Core components and Codelists (CCLIB).
Version 2023-10-27

  Remit Implementation Guide - Version: 2023-04-27

File size: 999.4 KiB
Downloads: 4,041

Remit Implementation Guide (Edig@s version 5.1)

Please also download the latest version 5.1 Core components and Codelists (CCLIB) (menu Downloads - Edig@s version 5.1) to make it complete.
Download per process v6.1Information

  Basic Ground Rules 6.1

File size: 344.7 KiB
Downloads: 121

Basic Ground Rules for Model Documentation

Version 2023-12-22

  Core Components

File size: 1.5 MiB
Downloads: 126

Core Components
- Edig@s Class Documentation for Electronic Documents
- Edig@s Codelist Documentation for Electronic Documents
- Edig@s Datatype Documentationfor Electronic Documents

Version 2023-12-22

  Capacity Allocation Process 6.1

File size: 2.9 MiB
Downloads: 124

Capacity Allocation Process
OFFCAP - SO offered capacity document
SURCAP - Surrender capacity document
MAOCAP - Marked offered capacity document
CRELIM - Credit limit document
AUCBID - Auction bid document
AUCRES - Auction result document
REVAUC - Reverse auction request document
REVSPC - Reverse auction specification document
CAPCUR - Capacity curtailment document
TRAADV - Trading Advice document

Version 2023-12-22

  Gas Trading Process 6.1

File size: 639.2 KiB
Downloads: 124

Gas Trading Process
OFFERS - Gas purchase or sale offers document
REQEST - Offtake request to the seller of gas
REQRES - Offtake request response document

Version 2023-12-22

  Nomination and Matching Process 6.1

File size: 1.2 MiB
Downloads: 167

Nomination & Matching Process
NOMAUT - Nomination authorisation document
NOMINT - Nomination document
NOMRES - Nomination response document
DELORD - Delivery order document
DELRES - Delivery order reponse document

Version 2023-12-22

  Balancing and Settlement Process 6.1

File size: 1.3 MiB
Downloads: 144

Balancing & Settlement Process
METRED - Meter reading document
MARSIT - Market situation document

Version 2023-12-22

  Remit and Transparency Process 6.1

File size: 611.0 KiB
Downloads: 355

REMIT and Transparency Process
MTKMON - Contract market monitoring document
TRNSPB - Transparency publication document
NOMASS - Nomination assignment document
CANMON - Capacity and nomination monitoring document
UMM - Urgent market message document

Version 2023-03-03

  General Process 6.1

File size: 3.0 MiB
Downloads: 124

General Process
INSTRN - Facility instruction document
ACKNOW - Acknowledgement document
PUBLIC - Publication document
WETHER - Weather gathering document
ACIREQ - Account information request document
ACICON - Account information confirmation document
FACTOR - Factoring transmission document
GASDEC - Gas Requirements Declaration Document
GASCON - Gas Requirements Confirmation Document
PRODOC - Load Forecast document
PROCON - Load Forecast confirmation document
PRBLEM - Problem Statement Document

Version 2023-12-22

  System Operation 6.1

File size: 835.8 KiB
Downloads: 110

System Operation Process
LIMITS - Limit document
INVENT - Inventory position document
STOREQ - Storage Action Request document
STOCON - Storage Action Confirmation document
FLOWRQ - Gas flow requirement document

Version 2023-12-22